Hormi y Aracnida en la escuela, ¡vaya aventura! – Fundación InteRed

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Розробник: Fundación Intered

“Hormi and Aracnida at School. What an Adventure!” is an interactive story for boys and girls, especially ages 4-8, and their families and teachers. Its aim is to inform and raise awareness about the right to education.

The story explores values like justice, friendship, care, help, effort, and joy… in addition to portraying the conditions of life for boys and girls on Bolivias altiplano (high plateau).

Rounding out the fun from reading and/or listening to the story, the animation, and the music… is a didactic guide that can be used to reinforce the tales different educational dimensions with boys and girls.

At InteRed we believe in transformative education that generates active and committed participation by all in the pursuit of justice, gender equality, and social and environmental sustainability.  We work with people and organizations from a range of countries and cultures, particularly with those who see have seen their rights violated.

InteRed has been working in the field of education, with a focus on gender and human rights, in Spain, Latin America, Asia and Africa since 1992, for recognition of and access to the universal right to inclusive, quality education, understood as one for comprehensive human development and the transmission of abilities and life skills to children, youths and adults; education that values fairness and equal opportunities for men and women, the recognition of diversity and each persons dignity, and the active exercise of citizenship.

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